I have read Ron Purser and David Loy’s Huffington Post blog entry, Beyond McMindfulness. They write a thoughtful indictment of the popularization of all things mindfulness, especially in the corporate context. There are many important points made in this essay: Uncoupling mindfulness from its ethical and religious Buddhist context is understandable as an expedient move…

The following is a guest blog post by one of the current students in my Mindfulness in Health Care course at the University of Vermont, Melinda Rouille. She is a therapist at a local veteran’s clinic. Something that we all share in this world is pain, sickness and death. While some of us learn how to…

I have just finished Susan Cain’s powerful book, Quiet. It has become a bestseller and it is not hard to see why. The book speaks to a need that introverts like myself have been aware of implicitly and articulates it in explicit form. Quiet is an introvert’s manifesto–empowering, enlightening, and comforting. She spent seven years…

The Wall Street Journal gave a recent shout-out to the effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions in the workplace. The article states: “One of the most effective stress-beaters, research shows, is a training program called “mindfulness-based stress reduction,” developed years ago at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, but adapted in recent years for the office. Numerous…

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