Le scélérat a ses vertus, comme l’honnête homme a ses faiblesses. The villain has his virtues, like the honest man has his weaknesses. Pierre Choderlos de Laclos The first ever online conference among available Mont Order participants has been organized, and is likely to be broadcast by live stream Saturday. Ahead of this potential meeting, the live stream video…

Ainsi, presque tout est imitation. Thus, almost everything is imitation. Voltaire This post is dedicated to a new medium that I am once again going to use to share my thoughts. That’s right. I have published videos to YouTube in the past, under another channel name, during my student years. You might even find one…

L’hypocrisie est un hommage que le vice rend à la vertu. Hypocrisy is an homage that vice pays to virtue. François de La Rochefoucauld I have a new viewpoint article due to appear at Press TV soon, but in the meantime, I would like to congratulate Robert Wei on being added to our club of writers…

Citoyens, vouliez-vous une révolution sans révolution? Citizens, did you want a revolution without revolution? Maximilien Robespierre First, I would like to repeat wishes for a Happy New Year and all the rest of that business that took place between posts. In considering my next opinion article at the global news website Press TV, there are several topics I…

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