The little online Mont Order society appears to have convened near the end of October with the intention to codify some principles. At the end of that conference, there were 7 simple points put together to represent the agenda of the Mont Order society today. What were they? For those who don’t know what the Mont Order is,…

Il vaut mieux hasarder de sauver un coupable que de condamner un innocent. It is better to risk sparing a guilty person than to condemn an innocent one. Voltaire To terminate any potential speculation about my reasons for no longer contributing monthly articles to Press TV’s website, I have decided to make the following post…

Nous sommes tous montagnards, vive la montagne! We are all Montagnards, vive La Montagne! Slogan used in an address to the Jacobin Club, 1793 I have been privileged to help publicize a growing club of bloggers known as the Mont Order or La Montagne. Screen capture of the new trial appearance for the website, proposed as a communal…

L’information ne se comporte pas du tout comme la matière : contrairement à un caillou, elle n’a pas de position spatiale ni temporelle et on peut à loisir la dupliquer, la partager, la résumer, la supprimer… The information does not behave at all like the matter: unlike a stone, it has no temporal or spatial…

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