La foi que j’aime le mieux, dit Dieu, c’est l’espérance. The faith that I love the best, says God, is hope. Charles Péguy First, I would like to alert readers to my full bibliography page at Beliefnet, with a complete list of all my published books. It can be found at In global politics, one of…

Au bout d’un ou deux siècles d’exploitation se produit une véritable émaciation du panaroma culturel With one or two centuries of exploitation comes a thorough emaciation of the cultural landscape. Frantz Fanon In considering a new opinion piece for my Press TV column at the start of August, the most obvious subject of concern is the campaign of the US…

Aime la vérité, mais pardonne à l’erreur. Love truth, but pardon error. Voltaire In considering what will be the subject of my September article at my Press TV column, I have quite a selection of subjects to choose from. The first that comes to mind is the Scottish independence referendum set to take place on 18…

On doit des egards aux vivants; on ne doit aux morts que la verite. We should be considerate to the living; to the dead we owe only the truth. Voltaire Just over a month from now, on 18 September, Scotland will decide whether or not it wants to remain part of the United Kingdom. I favor…

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