Do you have an unhealthy cholesterol level and are wondering what you could do about it without resorting to drugs?

Here’s a very simple solution – eat more foods that help to lower cholesterol in your body. Below are 7 such foods that can be very beneficial to your condition.

Though it might sound cliché, an apple a day could actually keep the doctor away. For the fruit is useful not only for lowering your cholesterol. It is also helpful for lowering blood pressure and reducing your risk of heart diseases and type II diabetes. In addition, the nutrients found in this cheap and widely available food can help improve your digestive system, as well as alleviate symptoms of gout and arthritis. Keep the skin on (after cleaning it with a natural vegetable wash) as you munch away on your apple for maximal quercetin antioxidant intake.

Studies have found that the eggplant is a beneficial food for those with unhealthy cholesterol levels. Animals fed the food were found to have lowered cholesterol levels in their blood and arteries, relaxed blood vessel walls as well as improved blood flow in these vessels. It seems that the eggplant also contains a compound known as nasunin, which prevents blood cholesterol from being converted into a highly reactive toxic form and causing more damage to your cardiovascular system.

Guavas are rich in fiber and hence can offer you extra protection when it comes to high cholesterol, heart diseases and type II diabetes. Its phytonutrient-antioxidant lycopene also makes the fruit a powerful anti-tumor food. Guava also contains 5 times as much vitamin C as oranges. So if you have access to this wonderful fruit, grab it!

Garlic and Onion

Garlic is one of the famous foods for lowering blood cholesterol. Numerous studies have found that as little as a clove of garlic a day could help lower your cholesterol level by 15%. Besides garlic, onion is another food-spice-herb-condiment that is useful against unhealthy cholesterol levels. Just half an onion a day could do the trick. What’s more, both garlic and onion have additional benefits in lowering blood pressure, fighting pathogens and enhancing your immunity. These properties make them powerful foods to eat everyday for great health and well-being.

Oat bran

In general, food rich in fiber are useful for lowering cholesterol. Such foods include (fresh) fruits, vegetables and beans. Nonetheless, foods like the oat bran can provide extra power when it comes to reducing your cholesterol. The soluble fiber in oat bran combines with cholesterol in your intestinal tract and removes it from your body. ND. Amy Rothenberg recommends consuming 3-quarter cups of cooked oat bran cereal daily to reduce your cholesterol levels by 10%.

Shiitake mushrooms

If you are a mushroom lover, you would be glad to know that the shiitake mushroom contains a compound known as lentinan, which is beneficial for keeping your unhealthy cholesterol in check. In addition, the mushroom has also been found to have anti-viral, anti-tumor and immune-boosting properties. So top up on your shiitake mushrooms today!

Read more about choosing your foods and planning your diet to reduce your cholesterol levels

[1] Collins, Elise Marie. An A-Z Guide to Healing Foods: A Shopper’s Companion. San Francisco, California: Conari Press, 2009. Print.

[2] Duke, James A., PhD. The Green Pharmacy. New York, NY: Rodale, 1997. Print.
[3] Murray, Michael, ND., Pizzorno, Joseph, ND., and Pizzorno, Lara, MA, LMT. The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods. New York, NY: Atria Books, 2005. Print.
[4] Duke, James A., PhD. The Green Pharmacy. New York, NY: Rodale, 1997. Print.

Cindy L. TJOL is trained in Psychology, Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. She has several years of experience writing on natural health on the internet. Follow her on her blog.

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