What does a fruit like the avocado, which is high in calories and fats, have to offer? Isn’t it a forbidden food to avoid if one wishes to maintain a healthy diet?

The avocado is often misunderstood to be unhealthy because of its rich fat-content. What most people do not know about this wonderful fruit is that the fats it contains are actually healthy fats. And contrary to what many people think, avocado brings many health benefits and could be consumed more frequently. The following are some of the amazing health-enhancing properties of avocado.

Lowers your triglycerides

Strange as it may sound, the fats in avocado can actually keep the unhealthy fats in your body at bay.

Research has found that diets high in refined carbohydrates can lead to high levels of bodily triglycerides (fats in blood that increase the risk of heart disease). However, when you replace some of the carbohydrates in your diet with healthy fats like that found in avocados, you can lower your triglyceride levels naturally.

Lowers your cholesterol

Avocados are rich in oleic acid and fiber, which can help you reduce your blood cholesterol levels. A study on subjects with moderately high levels of cholesterol who consumed many avocados in their diet found that they experienced significant reductions in their “bad” LDL cholesterol levels as well elevations in their “good” HDL cholesterol.

Enhances your cardiovascular health

The avocado contains many nutrients that have protective effects on your cardiovascular system.

It is rich in potassium, which can help lower high blood pressure and reduce your risk of stroke and heart attack. Its oleic acid content can help you reduce inflammation in the body, as such reducing your risk of atherosclerosis. The folate it contains decreases bodily levels of amino acid homocysteine, which can be destructive to your blood vessels at high levels. Lutein found in the fruit also protects your arteries from hardening.

Strengthens your bones and teeth

Avocados are rich in vitamin D, which is needed by the body for the building of bones. The fruit also contains phosphorus, which is also crucial for healthy bones and teeth.

Improves your skin condition

When used topically, avocado oil can serve as a relief and treatment for eczema, dry skin, wrinkles and some types of dermatitis. Mashed avocados or its inner peel can also be rubbed on psoriasis patches.

Serves as a healthy snack

Besides being rich in healthy fats, avocados are also high in calories, contain the highest amount of plant-based proteins and soluble fiber content among fruits, and are rich in a wide variety of nutrients (including vitamin B, C, E, zinc, folate, lutein, antioxidant glutathione). These properties make avocado an extremely healthy choice for an energy snack.

So give the amazing fruit a try today, and enjoy its health-enhancing benefits!

[1] Murray, Michael, ND., Pizzorno, Joseph, ND., and Pizzorno, Lara, MA, LMT. The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods. New York, NY: Atria Books, 2005. Print.

[2] Yeager, Selene, et al. The Doctors Book of Food Remedies. New York, NY: Rodale, 2007. Print.
[3] Collins, Elise Marie. An A-Z Guide to Healing Foods: A Shopper’s Companion. San Francisco, California: Conari Press, 2009. Print.
[4] Duke, James A., PhD. The Green Pharmacy. New York, NY: Rodale, 1997. Print.
[5] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triglyceride

Cindy L. TJOL is trained in Psychology, Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. She has several years of experience writing on natural health on the internet. Follow her on her blog and read her other articles at Insights On Health.com.

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