Doing Life Together

Merrill Lynch CEO, John Thain (The picture is not John Thain!) was upset when he didn’t receive a year-end bonus for losing billions of dollars. His reason–yes, the company lost billions, but his leadership probably prevented even more hemorrhaging. HE thought the board should have awarded him a lucrative compensation package! Really? This is just one of…

I now live in a fairly small town and have noticed how many people drive and talk on their cell phones. Without fail, when someone is driving erratically, too slow in a lane or crossing over the mid line, I look, and yes, the person is talking on the phone. Researchers tell us that talking…

Is your closet a window into your mental health? Are you what you wear?  Does saving your old college sports uniform remind you of the glory days of your life?  How about those hundreds of books you will never read again, but can’t bring yourself to part with them?  Maybe closer to home is that bin of children’s…

By now, most of you are aware that too much screen viewing for children and teens is linked to  elevated blood pressure, high cholesterol, lack of sleep, school problems, aggression, and being overweight. And we know that teen viewing habits often carry over to adult viewing habits. So how are teens doing with the American Academy of…

“As your weight goes up, the size and function of your brain goes down.” This, according to psychiatrist, Daniel Amen. It’s true, smaller doesn’t always mean better, especially when it comes to the size of your brain! Dr. Amen, author of Change Your Brain, Change Your Body, wants us all to get on his brain program and…

Downsizing, added work loads, difficult co-workers, budget cuts and poor leadership can cause even the calmest person to worry on the job. On way to deal with stress and job worries is to control the things you can and trust God for the rest. Here are 5 proactive steps you can take in order to get…

When the New York Post reported that 14-year-old Glynis Coyne has been getting her legs waxed since she was eight years old, I just gasped. Apparently, I am not up on the trend–hair removal for prepubescent girls! Instead of a trip to the candy store, a growing number of moms choose spa visits. The menu…

Let’s say your marriage is hurting and you know you need help. If you are a Christian couple, does it matter who you see and what approach the person uses to help you? Absolutely. So much of couples therapy is based on a secular humanistic approach and not on the truths of Christianity. Here is…

So I am reading the morning paper, enjoying my coffee, when I come across a small article tucked in the health and wellness section of the Wall Street Journal. According to research in a British journal, calcium supplements, typically used to prevent osteoporosis, now appear to increase the risk for heart attack. Great! I put down the…

Sarah sat up in bed and began to cry. Another nightmare woke her from a deep sleep. Between the ages of three and six, nightmares occur for two developmental reasons: 1) Fears begin to develop 2) A child’s imagination is very active. Being overly tired, getting irregular sleep, dealing with stress and anxiety all increase…

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