Doing Life Together

I’ll never forget the day my five-year-old came home and said, “No one will play with ‘Sandy’ because she doesn’t do what they say!” I was upset and thankfully, my daughter thought it was mean. But the other girls excluded little Sandy and rejected her from their friendship circle. Would you be surprised to learn that children…

It’s August. It’s hot! You just need to run into the store for a few minutes to grab a few groceries. Your six-month-old is sleeping soundly and he really needs a nap. Should you leave him be and run in to the store? With all the news about children dying in hot cars, the Dr.…

As the legalization of marijuana gains momentum, more data pours in that is NOT good news. Here are some of the findings: Sometimes, marijuana is addictive. If you begin as a teen, you have a higher chance of developing an addiction. According to the National Institute of Drug Use, about 9% who experiment will become addicted.…

The news that Robin Williams had died, hit me hard. This incredible funny man was introduced to me as an alien on Mork and Mindy. Immediately, one could see the quick wit of a comedian destined for stardom. He made us laugh! Then he broadened his stage to movies and made us cry, cheer and feel intense emotions. Both…

Are you on the go and too busy to cook? Before you pull in to that chain restaurant for a quick meal, consider the calorie count of some of the meals. You might be a little sticker shocked when it comes to the high count. One group hands out awards for those meals that go…

My daughter and I made a Starbucks stop the other day. She was in the mood for an Iced Caramel Macchiato Coffee and I wanted a Caramel Latte. So we pulled up our fast food app and looked at the drink calories in our choices. Iced Caramel Macchiato — Grande Whole Milk–233 calories,  30 carbs…

Turn off your TV and stop watching all the shows about betrayal, revenge and hurting people. And stop listening to all the cultural voices telling you that you aren’t good enough and need to improve. I’ve got a simple way you can start feeling positive emotions like trust, love and acceptance. It involves a hormone made in…

Merrill Lynch CEO, John Thain (The picture is not John Thain!) was upset when he didn’t receive a year-end bonus for losing billions of dollars. His reason–yes, the company lost billions, but his leadership probably prevented even more hemorrhaging. HE thought the board should have awarded him a lucrative compensation package! Really? This is just one of…

I now live in a fairly small town and have noticed how many people drive and talk on their cell phones. Without fail, when someone is driving erratically, too slow in a lane or crossing over the mid line, I look, and yes, the person is talking on the phone. Researchers tell us that talking…

Is your closet a window into your mental health? Are you what you wear?  Does saving your old college sports uniform remind you of the glory days of your life?  How about those hundreds of books you will never read again, but can’t bring yourself to part with them?  Maybe closer to home is that bin of children’s…

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