I woke up this morning another year older and hopefully another year wiser. If I consider the experiences I have had and the people who surround me, I am certainly far richer. It has nothing to do with the digits in my bank account and more to do with the wealth that I glean…

I marvel at all of the miracles, overlapping soul circle connections, meant-to-be interactions and delightful surprises that pop up like so many wildflowers on a green expanse. I am tempted to roll around in them, laughing my joy to the heavens. I do that symbolically on a daily basis. It is what gets me through at times…

One value that I hold dear in any relationship, whether it is family, friendship, romantic or business, is in this question, ‘what can I be counted on to do?’ Too often, relationships are lopsided and disjointed, in part because we aren’t clear about our expectations for ourselves and the folks with whom we interact. Here’s…

As I am writing this, the hours until departure from my Jamaican vacay are ticking away. I am not woeful or wistful, wishing it could be longer. It was perfectly timed to begin and perfectly timed to end. 24 hours from now, my plane will be close to landing and this sojourn will be stored in…

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