The OWS movement has triggered worldwide support, most ll of it peaceful and likely in the hundreds of thousands.  There were 951 demonstrations planned in 81 countries.  Worldwide corporate aristocracy has triggered worldwide solidarity.  A site that gives a sense of the scale of what is happening around the world is Occupy Streams.  Huffingtonpost has…

Both petitions are to the White House.  In my view Obama has neither the bravery nor the integrity to do much, but the publicity is important. You have to get a White House password, but that seems no big deal. One attacks the hideous argument by Christian bigots that we are legally a second class…

I have just learned about a married lesbian couple, Hege Dalen and Toril Hansen who performed an act of incredible bravery in an event covered around the world, and received next to no coverage in the US media.   who were camping near where Breivik’s massacre of young Norwegians was taking place. They gor into their…

I just saw a great article by Stephen Lacey  linked to on Crooked Timber on how the price of solar power is falling very rapidly.  This has been a long term trend, and shows no signs of slowing.  The rate is close to Moore’s Law concerning computer memory, which once was also expensive. In a…

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