One of the most deeply rooted differences between almost every Pagan and conservative Christians is our diametrically opposed views of women and the feminine.  We exalt the feminine as Sacred, they denigrate it as spiritually inferior to their male deity.  Women are equal to men, and not just because they can act as men, but because…

UPDATE below After his first months in office Barack Obama increasingly perplexed me, particularly for the fraudulent way he campaigned and then turned on his most dedicated supporters. I was particularly alarmed at his disdain for our constitutional principles and his truly craven subservience to corporate criminals such as BP.  No person making it to…

The Military Religious Freedom Foundation, made of up Americans who take the Constitution seriously, is blowing the whistle on the  Sauronic imbeciles masquerading as “christians” who still wield distressing power at the US Air Force Academy.  This kind of ‘religion’ is a deep enemy to everything that is good and decent in the world.  …

General Petraeus has warned that if Korans are burned by Sauronic bigots our troops will be in greater danger.  This has ignited a fascinating debate over at Huffingtonpost as to whether these imbeciles have the right to burn the book.  Pretty much lost in the discussion is a far deeper issue: that between empire and…

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