to explore the topic of cardiovascular disease before you go to your doctor.
What is a healthy cholesterol level and how can I reach or maintain a healthy level?
What is my HDL (“good”) level, my LDL (“bad”) level and my total cholesterol level?
What is my triglyceride level?
How often should I have my cholesterol checked?
If my cholesterol levels are abnormal, should I be taking medicines such as statins, niacin or fibrates in addition to eating a healthy diet and getting regular physical activity?
High Blood Pressure
What is an optimal blood pressure for me?
What is my blood pressure and how can I reach and maintain a healthy level?
How often should I have my blood pressure checked?
Should I be on blood pressure lowering medicine in addition to following a healthier lifestyle?
What is diabetes and how may it affect my heart health?
I have diabetes, and I know that increases my risk of heart disease and stroke. Should I be on a statin, an ACE inhibitor and/or aspirin, in addition to following a healthier lifestyle?
Physical Activity
How much physical activity should I engage in?
Can you recommend some specific activities that would be appropriate for me?