Persistence Always Prevails
If you’ll persist with your sincere wish for higher learning, you can’t help but succeed. Persistence always prevails because part of its power is to hold you in place until either the world lines up with your wish or you see that your wish is out of line. In either case, you’ve won something that only persistence can buy. If you get what you think you have to have to be happy and you’re still not satisfied, then you’ve learned what doesn’t work. Now you can go on to higher things. And should you learn you’ve been wearing yourself out with useless wishes, then this discovery allows you to turn your energies in a new direction: self-liberation.
Growing into the worlds above us – realizing the higher realms of consciousness within us – requires that we outgrow the worlds beneath us. As to our course through life, whether we profit a little or a lot, do hold this one thought: we are made, each of us, as much by what we will as by what we will not.
Whether to persist and aspire to the Higher or drop into some dark despair, that is the question; and which of these two seeds flowers all depends on which one you choose to nourish and grow.