Read or add your prayers to one of the
prayer circles below or create your own.
prayer circles below or create your own.

Thousands have been killed in Iraq. Add your prayers for the innocent victims of this conflict.
The Children of Iraq
"It is the children who will lead the world to peace. Let us pray for the Iraqi children who are suffering"
An Iraqi Soldier
"A mother in Tennessee is awake in the dark of night, worrying about her son in the US army... A mother in Baghdad is awake in the dark of night, worrying about her son in the Iraqi army... God, have mercy on every mother's son"
Iraqi Brothers & Sisters
"Maybe some of you are afraid now. I wish I could express my sympathy by this prayer (I even don't know if you got a chance to read my prayer). I pray for all of you, may God strengthen your hearts"
All Muslim People in Iraq
"I ask Allah to protect them and give them health and make them believe in him so that they can get through this hard time"
Ali Ismail Abbas
"Ali is the 12-year-old Iraqi boy who lost his parents, other family members, & was maimed when a bomb hit his family's home when he was sleeping on 4/6/03. Ali lost both of his arms and was burned between 30-60% of his body..."
All Iraqis
"Whether you are in the USA or in Iraq let's come together and pray for all those people who are now in harm's way"
Husam M., First Lieutenant, Iraqi Army
"I pray for Husam, my cousin who is defending his country"
Innocent Victims of War
"Pray for the Iraqi people, refugees in the region, and anyone else threatened by war and its effects in the Gulf"
Iraqi People
"These are our prayers for all Iraqis and all those who are currently in the Middle East"