
newsroomintroPrayables.com is a free online prayer community that offers women short inspirational prayers that reflect a woman's story. These prayers are relevant to issues of today and honor all faith perspectives.  

Founder, , created Prayables as a way to empower women. It’s important that we make it easy and enjoyable for women to add more pray to their day! Critics may argue that prayer needs no improvement, but we see it differently and so do the tens of thousands of women who are a part of the new style of women’s prayer.

Along with the website, Prayables reaches women through , an , , , podcasts, , mobile web, email and so much more. We provide an online sacred space that is accessible and portable. We offer a new way to deal with everyday issues, global concerns and spirituality. At Prayables, women build strong relationships and become ambassadors of interfaith cooperation.

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