2016-07-27 2016-07-27

I'm a former super-pleaser. I used to make decisions by asking other people "what do you think?" Then a friend gave me the book by Martha Beck. It taught me the difference between being my essential self; the true 'me' and my social self; the 'me' that lives to please others.

I am thinking of a career transition, it's a habit of mine. This book is helping me find my life's true calling. Better still, it demands that I lead the life I am meant to live. Beck writes with a wry sense of humor that had me laughing out loud one minute, and crying the next. It's an emotional read. I found I was not alone when reading this book.

I traveled on this journey of personal and professional discovery with my inner child. She encouraged me to change the way I make decisions and patted me on the back saying, "Yes, I recognize the true you." I recommend this book as a way to start on your own journey. You too, will welcome your true self, home again.

Road Map

Today I feel lost,
so I turn to You for direction.
My heart is a compass.
Set me to true north.
Lead me where I need to go.

Be my guide.
Take me with you,
for you know the roads.
I know the climb will be arduous.
But when I get there,
oh, the view will be worth it!

"Are you living the life you were meant for?"


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