
Reading a great book. Listening to your favorite public radio host. Watching TV or a movie. Just chilling out. Do you allow yourself the guilty pleasure of resting on the weekend? Too many people don’t.

A survey found less than a quarter of people associate weekends with having fun. A third of those questioned said they did four hours of housework on the weekend.  And one in seven women find the weekend is a time when depression sets in about the week ahead.

Are you one of those who are depriving yourself of precious rest time? Why not work as hard at rest as you do in your activities. You don’t need to be a biblical scholar to see the wisdom of God’s commandment to rest.

Sunday Stillness

Today I hold still
To balance and recharge,
To release the week before
And prepare for the week ahead.

With You here beside me,
My mind quiets to hear Your voice.
My heart opens to draw You in.
And, with Your peace
within and around me,
I thank You for this opportunity
to be made new.



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