<h3><!-- link deleted --><img style="" src="http://www.beliefnet.com/~/media/8B3159C657364B1DBAB9310C6958D0FE.ashx?w=150&hash=94C6C915DCD01DEEE8F50537B17A63034AD34BE5" alt="dailychuckle" class="" align=""></h3> The judge had just awarded a divorce to Lena, who had charged non-support.<br><br>He said to her husband Orville, "I have decided to give your wife $400 a month for support."<br><br>"Well, that's great, Judge," he said. "And once in a while I'll try to chip in a few bucks myself."<br><br> <table border="0" align="left"> <tbody> <tr> <td></td> </tr> </tbody> </table>