your daily prayable
 Time and time again, I bring my concerns and worries to You, but when I try to hear Your voice, something always gets in the way. The phone rings.
The oven timer goes off.
Someone calls my name. Please help me find a time, a place, a way to hear what it is You need to tell me. I know You will speak to me. I simply need Your help to find the space and the quiet to hear what You have to say.
The Prayables Community
On : Tanja Cilia said, "My Daily Prayable e-mail comes with the salutation "for Tanja" - and this time, it's truer than true. Sometimes, a hugn says a zillion words. Thank you, Ruth, for reminding us of this essential truth." : Susan Mallotte said, "Want to be close to GOD ALL Day Long!!!"
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