
How do you build team spirit? With a webmaster in Chicago, editor in Pittsburgh and writers from coast to coast, you’d think it would be a challenge to enjoy the camaraderie of workmates who don’t get to see family pictures on your desk or overhear a personal conversation that creeps into the workday. Not so. We’re kibitzing through , emails and the on the website. We’re living our mission with every key stroke, we take action with the written word of prayer.

I struggle to be a good leader. Although I read all the books, and I’ve had plenty of practice as an employer and as an employee, I’m still surprised at the complexity of team management. So many demanding situations, so many different personalities and too little precious hours in the day to deal with it all. And yet— I remain encouraged and energized. I’m thrilled to be on the Prayables website and see a comment  from CatEcumen who discovered and wrote: Thank you for this prayer. I needed it today. I am elated. It’s working. We are uplifting the spirit of women and providing a new way to pray.

Thank You for giving me a job
I love and one I can do well in.
Thank You for the committed people
who work beside me.
Bless us with a spirit of harmony
and unshakeable work ethic.
May all that we put our hands and minds to earn us respect.
May the way we conduct ourselves represent You well.

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