My husband David is a ‘Big Brother” to a great kid who is one of four boys with a very hard-working single Mom. We all went to for dinner and enjoyed some adult conversation while the boys were busy eating the three-course special. We talked about the kids, how hard it was for her to meet someone, and we talked about her job. Her position is scheduled to be eliminated sometime this year and her boss suggested she interview for a new job within the company. The interview went well, she was hopeful. But she didn’t get the job. She’ll try again.
I came back home and had an email from Barb. She thanked me for the Daily ePrayable: Measure of Success. She said she kept it, because it helped her to think more positively. She had been laid-off, again. Even though she didn’t like her job, it wasn’t O.K. to lose it.
And so it goes. New jobs, old jobs, no job. We all look to have jobs that fulfill us, jobs that sustain us and jobs that enable us to make a better life.
Help me to recalibrate
so that I don't live by everyone else's rules:
It's impossible to achieve success later in life.
You're a woman in a man's world.
Change is something to be feared.
Help me to regroup so that
those who populate my world
are kindred spirits with the best intentions.
Help me to refocus
so that I remember who I am
and whose I am.
If You are with me,
there is nothing else to prove.