An image of a woman in a flowered-filled field of butterflies, arms outstretched to the heavens above, wearing a flowing dress over very large hips. Seriously, who prays like that? It’s interesting that a graphic designer would come up with that picture in mind and associate it with prayer. To me, it looks like a 70’s hippie on an acid trip.
And still, praying outdoors is special. No matter what the setting is; when you pray outdoors, the breeze touches your skin and the sunlight filters through your closed eyelids. Without a roof overhead, you experience an extraordinary closeness to God. Try it.
What a wild burst of energy today!
I woke this morning
to Your beautiful sunlight,
to Your blue skies,
and a world of possibility!
I am motivated.
I am ready.
I am Yours.
Let's take this day together!
I will turn my back on past mistakes,
walking ahead
in the rays of Your brilliant light!
I am energized.
I am healthy.
My heart is full.
Thank You for this new day!
A new opportunity to pursue
everything that I am meant to be
and will be in You!