JERUSALEM, Aug. 14 (AP) - Gov. George W. Bush is committed to moving the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem if elected president, but the transfer would not be immediate because many details have to be worked out, his top foreign policy adviser said Monday.

Speaking to Israel's Army Radio, the adviser, Condoleeza Rice, a Stanford University professor, also said that while Bush, the presidential nominee of the Republical Party, expects to bring changes to many areas of American foreign policy, the Middle East will not likely be one of them.

Rice said Bush supports U.S. President Bill Clinton's efforts to bring the two sides together for negotiations and intends to continue the active U.S. role in the peace process, but will not dictate solutions.

``It's his belief that...if Israel and her neighbors come to an agreement they fundamentally believe makes them more secure, the United States should try to facilitate that. No one can impose an agreement,'' said Rice.

In the past, Bush has publicly criticized Clinton for pressuring Israel and said America's role should be to support the Jewish state as it settles its own affairs.

The presidential hopeful has said he supports moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, the disputed city claimed by both Israel and the Palestinians as a capital.

U.S. President Bill Clinton has blocked the move of the embassy. However, after last month's failed Mideast peace summit at Camp David, he said he would consider moving the embassy to Jerusalem before the end of his term in January, a possibility that has raised an angry backlash in the Arab world.

The Camp David talks broke down over the future of Jerusalem. The Palestinians demand sovereignty over all of traditionally Arab east Jerusalem, while Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered them a role in parts of the sector.

Palestinians say moving the embassy would be tantamount to recognizing Israel's claims to the city and undermine Washington's role as a mediator in the peace talks.

However, Bush believes Israel has the right to declare its capital ``like any other country in the world,'' said Rice.

Asked whether in the event of a Bush victory, the new president would move the embassy immediately, Rice said: ``Upon becoming president, he would begin the process. Well, I think there are many details, but he is committed to moving the embassy.''

Rice was invited to Israel to speak at an annual lecture series at Tel Aviv University. Her lecture is entitled, ``Challenges for American Foreign Policy in the 21st Century.''

Rice also said that if Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat unilaterally declares a Palestinian state, the United States should condemn it.

In addition, Rice said that if Iraqi ruler Saddam Hussein gives the United States an opportunity, it should move against his regime with ``decisive force'' though circumstances prevented the United States from finishing off Saddam in the 1991 Gulf war.

Visiting Israel for the first time, Rice inspected sensitive spots like the Golan Heights, captured by Israel from Syria in 1967, and Jerusalem.

Israel and the Palestinians have been negotiating a framework for a peace treaty, after setting a Sept. 13 target date. Arafat has said he will declare a Palestinian state on that date or afterwards even if the talks fail. However, he has since sent mixed mesages about his intentions.

Interviewed on Israel television's commercial channel, Rice said a unilateral Palestinian declaration would be ``a step backward in the peace process and the U.S. should condemn it.''

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