2016-07-27 2016-07-27
Shmuley Boteach, Roseanne, and Larry Flynt sat down together in L.A. to riff on porn, sex, and all those other questions you were afraid to ask.

Listen to the best soundbites of the discussion.
Each streaming clip approximately two minutes.

Listen to the full two-hour debate.
Divided into sections.

Note: Audio feature requires free RealPlayer.

The Participants
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, a Beliefnet columnist, founded Oxford University's L'Chaim Society. He is the author of 10 books, including "Kosher Sex."
Roseanne created and starred in the sitcom "Roseanne" which won four Emmys during its nine-year run. She is now the host of a cable talk show.
Larry Flynt is the publisher of Hustler magazine, the founder of Larry Flynt Publications, and an outspoken defender of pornography and the First Amendment.
Robert Scheer (moderator), famous for his Playboy "I've got lust in my heart" interview with Jimmy Carter, teaches journalism at USC and edits its Online Journalism Review.
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