
APPLETON, Wis. (AP) - Some Jenny Craig weight-loss franchises are refusing to run the new Monica Lewinsky ads, saying the former White House intern at the center of President Clinton's impeachment scandal is not an appropriate role model.

The owner of Jenny Craig locations in Green Bay, Grand Chute, and Des Moines, Iowa, says he plans to stick with an old ad campaign rather than pay for television commercials of Ms. Lewinsky, Jenny Craig's new spokeswoman.

``As a person who has been successful on our program she's done great,'' said the franchise owner, David Lahey. ``But, as a person to look up to, there are certainly some issues there.

``I wouldn't be pleased if my daughter came home and said 'I want to be just like Monica Lewinsky.''

The commercials of Ms. Lewinsky began airing nationally on Sunday, showing her slimmed-down figure and a ``before'' picture of her looking heavier.

Ms. Lewinsky, 26, was the subject of allegations of sexual improprieties in the White House when she was an intern. Clinton finally admitted to a sexual relationship with Ms. Lewinsky after seven months of denials.

Jenny Craig spokesman Brian Luscomb said Wednesday that various other U.S. franchises also have decided against airing the ads, but he declined to say where or how many. Fifteen percent of Jenny Craig franchises are privately owned, he said.

``It's quite common for franchises to use different ads or create their own,'' Luscomb said from the company's headquarters in La Jolla, Calif.

The overall response to the new ads has been favorable, he said.

Jenny Craig Inc. said it considers Ms. Lewinsky a good role model for weight loss because she has been successful on the program. She claims to have lost 31 pounds since starting the program last summer.

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