Proverbs 22:6 says "Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." This makes raising a young boy sound so easy, doesn't it? Any parent can attest that this isn't an easy task, however. Where do we start in raising a son that wants to glorify God? How does God want us to discipline our sons, teach them values, or handle their emotions?
The Bible is the perfect text in helping us navigate the world of raising children. Boys are often misunderstood in today's culture, so it's important to give them the tools needed so that he can grow to be a strong, emotionally healthy young man. God created boys according to His perfect design, so here are some helpful tips on how you can raise your son the way God intended.
Be a model Christian for your son.
We will never be perfect as Christ was, however we as Christians are called to act like Him as best as we can. You cannot expect your son to live out his life for God if you aren’t doing the same. Children look up to the adults in their lives, so it’s important to follow the age old adage “practice what you preach”.
Make sure your family knows that God is your number one priority. That means attending church every Sunday morning instead of focusing on the big football game, or donating our time and money to the needy instead of buying extravagant gifts for oneself. Your child will learn important values from you simply by watching your actions, so make sure they are the actions of Jesus Christ. This means in the home, at work, in your marriage, and in your parenting style.
Encourage your son to ask questions.
Parents should encourage their sons to ask questions because it will help him to think critically. When we question the world around us, we grow as humans to be more empathetic, understanding, and strong in our convictions. You shouldn’t want your son to blindly accept Christ, but to deeply understand why He is our true Savior. This will help him carry Jesus in his heart into adulthood.
It’s important to also accept that while you want your child to ask questions, there will be many that you do not have the answer too. That’s OK. Your son might ask you a crazy question like “did Jesus ride dinosaurs?” to the more thought provoking pieces like “can a pet get into heaven?” Don’t stress yourself out and teach your child that sometimes “I don’t know, but I can look into it” is a valid answer. You and your child can grow together in your knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Schedule Christian activities as a family.
Deuteronomy 11:19 tells "Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." God wants us to be teaching our son's about Christ all the time. Scheduling Christian activities as a family is a great way to nurture growth and knowledge.
Create habits in the home that you do not diverge from, such as praying before every meal. You could also add in a daily Bible study with your son during breakfast, attend church services every Sunday as a family, or schedule a yearly mission trip to help those in need. The important part is consistency and ensuring your son routinely connects with Christ.
Nurture both your son’s masculine and feminine side.
Your son should have a healthy understanding of both his feminine and masculine sides, and those lessons can be learned from strong male and female figures you bring into their lives. Mothers and maternal figures, for example, can help teach a young boy the value of bonding with others emotionally, expressing emotions clearly, and develop empathy. These figures are also necessary for giving your son someone they can lean on for comfort during times of pain, stress or anger.
Fathers and paternal influences can also greatly help a boy develop into a strong man, by teaching him things like independence, risk taking, and respecting authority. They can help a boy build unbreakable self-confidence to be a leader, while still respecting and showing care for others. It’s important your son understand both sides of himself, otherwise he could grow up embracing toxic masculinity or on the flipside, having no confidence in himself at all.
Teach your son how to handle emotions in a healthy way.
Society likes to teach males that they are to not have any negative emotions, and if they are to express them it should only be in the form of anger. This is not the way that God intended men to handle their feelings. There are many healthy ways to let out stress, anxiety and sadness that do not harm those around us.
Observe your son for a week, paying close attention to how he chooses to show his emotions. Is he able to tell his teachers in a concise and clear manner reasons he feels anxious, or does he take it out on others by bullying them? Teach him that he can process his emotions in better ways like releasing stress through exercise, taking a step back from the situation until high emotions settle down, or searching for solutions to the problem rather than immediately giving up. Furthermore, teach him that crying is a sign of strength in God's eyes.
Discipline your son with grace and forgiveness.
Society likes to teach males that they are to not have any negative emotions, and if they are to express them it should only be in the form of anger. This is not the way that God intended men to handle their feelings. There are many healthy ways to let out stress, anxiety and sadness that do not harm those around us.
Observe your son for a week, paying close attention to how he chooses to show his emotions. Is he able to tell his teachers in a concise and clear manner reasons he feels anxious, or does he take it out on others by bullying them? Teach him that he can process his emotions in better ways like releasing stress through exercise, taking a step back from the situation until high emotions settle down, or searching for solutions to the problem rather than immediately giving up. Furthermore, teach him that crying is a sign of strength in God's eyes.