Respect the Differences
I am a child of a Catholic/Buddhist marriage. I think the most important thing is respect and open, honest communication. The beautiful thing about being multicultural is that you get to celebrate life in many different ways. I love having Japanese, German, French, Buddhist, Catholic, and Jewish influences in my life. This makes my world rich, and my future children will be rich in the way of knowledge and culture. --kikue26
Parents: Don't Pretend
If you decide to go with a tradition that one partner does not follow, don't have that partner pretend to follow it. Children see deception very clearly. Instead, make it clear that dad/mom has his/her personal choices to make. I don't mean that the partner should be completely absent from activities, especially milestone events. But don't have that person pretend. Of course, if there is a sincere conversion, then it all becomes moot. --themadone