
Ephesians 6:11 says that we don’t wrestle against flesh and blood, but cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil. Often, if something feels particular off in your home, it could be a spiritual problem. If you’re feeling fearful in your home, you can know that it’s not from God because the Lord doesn’t bring a spirit of fear but peace. Christians should pray to cleanse their home and claim their homes as places for the Holy Spirit to dwell. They should rebuke any evil spirit in the name of Jesus. The spiritual world is just as real as the physical world, and we should be aware of spiritual battles.

However, this doesn’t mean we have to be afraid or fight these battles alone. When dealing with the spiritual world, we have to know that because we have Jesus, we have power in His name to overcome any darkness that we may come across. It’s good to be aware of evil spirits, but remember they’re nothing compared to the supreme power of God. The Bible says to not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good in Romans 12:21.

We should replace anything that’s not true, honorable, pure and only keep and think on things that are worthy of praise. It would be best to communicate with the Father and ask Him what’s bothering you. Ask God to search your heart, and if there’s anything wicked in it, the Lord cut it off. You may be doing something the Lord disapproves of, and you need to be cleansed of sin yourself. God knows us better than we know ourselves. When we’re in sin, subconsciously or otherwise, it affects us and opens doors for the enemy to work. Once you ask the Lord if there’s anything in your house that’s not from Him, ask him to reveal the source and handle it accordingly. Here are some tips on how to spiritually clean your home.

Consecrate Yourself

To consecrate means to set aside or make holy. For the Levites, this may have included bathing, putting on clean clothes, abstaining from sex, avoiding anything unclean, and anointing themselves with oil. This consecration was about preparing themselves in body and spirit. At home, pray over yourself and your family. Read your Bible. Humble yourself before God and prepare yourself to seek His will and His peace in your life. If you’re familiar with anointing, you can anoint yourself with oil or water, but it’s not necessary.

Purge Your House

Think about movies or books in your home that may glorify sin. God wants you to get rid of anything that celebrates evil. Then, look for idols that may be in your house. The Lord speaks powerfully against worshipping anything that’s not God or anything that comes before God. Idolatry starts in the heart, so repent to God if you find you have an idol. We should also look at objects that may come from questionable people or places in our homes. Things can hold significance and curses. You can start by going through your home room by room and asking God to show you anything you need to remove.

Verbally Command Every Spirit to Leave

Now it’s time to demand every spirit to leave. You’re not asking; you’re commanding in the name of Jesus. As Christians, we have the authority to cast out demons in the name and power of Jesus. The Holy Spirit is already in every believer, but you can also ask Him to dwell in your entire home.

Ask the Holy Spirit to Come and Send Angels

Out loud, ask the Holy Spirit to fill your house and protect your family. The Bible says we can ask Jesus to send His angels to protect His children. Say a prayer to be present in your entire home and guard your home and loved ones from anything that isn’t from Him.

Anoint Doors and Windows With Oil

Anointing oil is used and discussed in scripture in both the Old and New Testaments. Oil often signified prosperity, stability, and blessings. It also had sanctifying properties. Whenever someone poured oil on someone or something, they set that object apart as a sacred object of the Lord. Some believe that God used oil as an important cultural symbol and practice to foreshadow the work of the Holy Spirit. If you want, you can go through all the doorways, windows, and closets of your home and anoint them with oil. The oily symbolized that you wish the Holy Spirit to be present there.

Declare the Name of the Lord Over Your Property

If you desire or if God puts it on your heart, you could anoint the ground at the four corners of your property and pray protection over it. Psalm 91:3-11 describes how God will protect you from danger and rescue you if it comes to that. The Lord is abundant in steadfast love and faithfulness and proclaims this over your property.


Once you’re done cleansing your home, lift your hands and sing your favorite hymns.

Play Christian music and sing along. Invite God to fill every space of your home and land with His Spirit, pushing out any remnant of evil. Spend time rejoicing that God reigns in your home and your life. While worshiping, ask the Holy Spirit to work deeply in your heart and write down what you hear or feel. You may end up with a list of things you need to address—and that’s okay because it means God’s moving in your life.

Spiritually cleansing your home means that you’ve invited God into your dwelling to stay. By inviting Him in, you can ensure that anything that’s not from Him doesn’t stand a chance. It can be hard to part with some of your belongings, but getting rid of anything that’s not from God will only protect you and others in your home. Once you’ve cleansed your home, give God thanks and worship Him. In that time, He may reveal something to you that you may have missed before purifying your home.

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