5 Minute Tips That Will Change Your Life
BY Brandi-Ann Uyemura
Got 5 minutes? Read this Beliefnet exclusive. These days we’re all typing away on our laptops and smart phones too busy to notice everything going on around us. Yet, all that time spent on our digital devices seems to draw us further apart, not closer together. No wonder we are so stressed and overwhelmed these days.
According to the American Psychological Association’s (APA) 2010 Stress in America survey, chronic stress is up. In fact, the APA is considering it a public health crisis. Only 40% of Americans feel their health is very good or excellent. Fortunately, being more connected and relaxed does not necessarily mean taking huge chunks of time out of your schedule. In fact, it can take just five minutes. Here are five things you can do in five minutes, but over time can lead to lasting bouts of pure happiness, joy and healthy living.
Make sure to follow Brandi-Ann Uyemura's Happy Haven blog!