Experience Pentecost Today
Pentecost is the Greek name for Shavuot, the spring harvest festival celebrated by the Israelites. It was during this time the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples after Jesus’ ascension to heaven, and was commemorated on the seventh Sunday after Easter. The disciples were in Jerusalem after the Resurrection, and were mourning their Lord. They were not alone, as God filled them with his Holy Ghost and in Acts 2:4 said that they “began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit was giving them utterance." God was equipping his church with the power of the Holy Spirit. Pentecost was not just for the disciples, but for today. Oral Roberts University along with Empowered 21 Global Congress is a modern movement desiring everyone have an authentic encounter with Jesus by Pentecost 2033. They are also doing this by having over 100 spirit-filled leaders and teachers gather in Jerusalem to pray, learn, and be filled with the presence of God. Pentecost was not just for the disciples, but is relative in our modern lives today.