Lesson 6: Toy Story
In a departure from traditional films, Tom Hanks plays Woody in the animated film “Toy Story” which first came out in 1995. The gist of the plot centers around Woody and Buzz, toys who battle for the attention of their owner, a little boy named Andy. The popular movie went on to spawn sequels and make merchandising history with main characters Woody (Tom Hanks) and Buzz Lightyear (Tim Allen) plastered on products from lunch boxes to action figures.
Lesson 6: People are fickle - deal with it. Times change, tastes change, and people change. It's important to be flexible. Yet a second message emerges from Toy Story. If you have a winning formula - stick with it. As true as it is that change is a constant in life, it's equally important to recognize what's working and use it to your advantage.