Rabbi Jane Litman has served Conservative, Reconstructionist, Reform, and Gay Outreach congregations. She is an expert on religious education for alternative families and consults on this subject for the Metropolitan Community Church and numerous Jewish and interfaith institutions. She was a professor of religion and women's studies at California State University at Northridge and taught at the University of Judaism and Loyola Marymount College.

Rabbi Litman chaired the board of the Clinica Monsignor Oscar Romero and the Southern California Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice and was a fellow of the American Jewish World Service. She currently is on the board of the East Bay Jewish Family and Children's Service and the Millennial March on Washington.

Rabbi Litman's work on women's history and contemporary theology has been widely published. Her book "Lifecycles 2: Jewish Women on Scriptural Themes in Contemporary Life," co-edited with Rabbi Debra Orenstein, won a number of awards. The sequel, "Lifecycles 3: Jewish Women on Holy Time," is due out in March.

Rabbi Litman currently serves as the rabbi-educator of Congregation Beth El in Berkeley, where she lives with her husband, Stewart Schwartz, and their two children.

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