Your Daily Spiritual Stimulus

One of the qualities that sets humans apart from other species is our ability to remember the past and make future decisions based upon our experiences. Humans are naturally planners and builders, drawing from our personal and collective knowledge. This capacity to remember the past doesn’t always serve us, however. We can continue to suffer…

When we are challenged, personally and financially, it can be difficult to stay centered, calm and positively proactive. Yet, if we can’t make these necessary adjustments, our lives can begin to spiral into a downward cycle of negativity and defeat. One of the things I teach my clients is to actively listen to and guard…

Never Give up No matter what is going on Never Give up Develop the heart Too much energy in your country is spent developing the mind instead of the heart Be compassionate Not just to your friends but to everyone Be compassionate Work for peace in your heart and in the world Work for peace…

“Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver.” ~ Ayn Rand I found this quote by writer and philosopher, Ayn Rand, to be very thought provoking. As human beings, we tend to think that money has the power to solve all of…

Everyday, whether we realize it or not, our thoughts and actions are actively creating the world around us. Having an awareness of this is increasingly important if we wish to create greater abundance and prosperity in our lives and the greater economy. It is true that many people are truly struggling and facing difficult situations.…

It’s tragic enough that Steve McNair died a violent death at such a young age, but even sadder yet that he died without a will or proper estate planning, which will greatly impact his wife and children. It’s amazing how often this occurs – people spending their time and energy making money, but failing to…

I’ve been noticing lately how many people seem to have an angry or unhappy relationship with money. This is understandable given the recession, but it’s unfortunate because money can be a really good friend and resource that can assist us in creating a better life. Although we all know money is not the answer to…

Blessed are the man and the womanwho have grown beyond their greedand who have put an end to their hatredand no longer nourish illusions. But they delight in the way things areand keep their hearts open, day and night.They are like trees planted near flowing rivers,which bear fruit when they are ready. Their leaves will…

One of our readers wrote in today talking about her fears around money. Here is what Diane  had to say: “I’ve always been bad at finances – guess it’s due to lack of confidence I have a fear of math, which has caused many problems over the past 20 years. I’m trying to face my…

Today’s Money Coaching Monday is in response to Margaret’s call for help with her marriage. Here’s Margaret’s prayer request: “I am praying that God will step in and make situation turn into a positive one and that my marriage can be saved. Throughout the marriage I have made some really dumb financial decisions that have…

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