Today’s blog is for Kathy Moreno who is struggling to take care of her 14 year old nephew. I know it can be hard to ask the children in our lives to make sacrifices and to help out when times are tough and money is tight. But I think it can actually be good for…

As unemployment continues to rise and more people struggle to find work, it may be a great time to get creative and start thinking out-of-the-box. Many of our readers, such as Krollins, have been asking for prayers of support due to unemployment: “This is not only for my family who is suffering long-term unemployment, but…

(Today’s blog is dedicated to Terri and Zoey….who are well on their way to becoming powerful Money Magician’s.)Sometimes life throws us a curve ball and the world as we’ve known it gets turned upside down and inside out. Times when we’ve been let down, betrayed, or abandoned as if we didn’t matter. When this happens…

It’s tragic enough that Steve McNair died a violent death at such a young age, but even sadder yet that he died without a will or proper estate planning, which will greatly impact his wife and children. It’s amazing how often this occurs – people spending their time and energy making money, but failing to…

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