
Have you ever heard the phrase “when in doubt, pray it out” from someone? This can confuse people. Some might ask “Why pray about something when I can just vent about it instead? What do you mean when I’m in doubt, pray it out?” This gives you as a believer, an opportunity to witness to them. It gives you the opportunity to tell them how prayer has helped change your life, and the opportunity to tell them how God has changed your life for the better. Here are some ideas on how to approach people about praying instead of stressing in life.

Just Pray

Instead of automatically freaking out about something, pray about it instead. Tell God exactly how you feel. Most of the time when you feel overwhelmed about a task, your automatic reaction is to stress. The thought that you may not be able to do it also haunts you. That is Satan telling you that the only option is to stress out about anything and everything in your life. Stress doesn’t help you. It only causes you more anxiety and causes you even more doubt.

Prayer, on the other hand, causes you to turn the problem you’re facing into a one-on-one conversation with God.  He already knows how you feel, but He also wants you to come to Him in prayer at any time and anywhere. Prayer helps you focus less on your problem and focus more on the one who can and will help you through your problem. God wants to help you and will replace your stress with the ultimate peace that only He can bring. When you pray about the task that is in front of you, you will feel the stress lift from your body, soul, and your mind. Your body will feel more at ease and you will be able to think clearly again.

Talk to Someone Who Knows You

When you’re doubting yourself and your abilities, talk to others about it to gain a new perspective. Everyone doubts themselves at one point or another in life. Whenever you find yourself doubting your abilities, talk to one of your trusted family members or friends about it. See what they say. They will most likely offer you encouragement. They may also tell you that you have the inner strength and the ability to do things, even when you don’t feel confident in yourself. Everyone needs encouragement from time to time and sometimes the best people to go to are your family and true friends.

Talk to your pastor about the doubts that you have about yourself. Ask him the best way to overcome the doubts your feeling. He will be able to offer you scriptures to focus on in order to help rebuild your faith in God’s promises. God will replace your fears, doubts, and insecurities with faith, not to mention trust in yourself. Ask your pastor to pray for and with you about the way you feel when any doubts come into your heart, soul, and mind.

Pray Some More

The most important person to go to when you are having doubts is God, himself. Ask Him to strengthen your faith and trust in yourself and especially your belief in Him and His promises to you. He will give you the strength you didn’t know you had within you. He can help you believe that you can do anything.

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13 NIV

With men this is impossible, but nothing is impossible with God. Mathew 19:26 NIV

Prayer can help turn any doubt that you have about yourself around. Instead of feeling the pressure to always do everything right, you will have that feeling be replaced by God’s peace. You will feel Him giving you that gentle nudge forward to face the challenges head-on with his confidence in your heart.

Go to the Source

When you are doubting a specific story or especially if you’re doubting a specific person, talk directly to that person. You’ve heard stories that seem too good to be true. In most cases, they normally are too good to be true. Some are even too cheesy to be true. When you hear a story that you don’t believe or a statement is made by someone and you don’t believe what they’re saying, just be brave enough to talk to them about it. Don’t be judgmental or confrontational towards them. Just talk to them calmly. Always ask God to guard your words and He will help you say the right things. Try your best to give the person the benefit of the doubt.

When in doubt, pray it out. Prayer will help fill your heart, soul, and your mind with the peace you are longing for. Ask God to take away any feelings of uncertainty that you have. Ask God to turn your focus towards Him as you figure out how to handle any situation that comes your way. There is nothing you can’t do with God at your side. Lean on Him for reassurance.


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