
No matter which way you look at it, life can and will bring you down. No matter what you do life will bring you down and it will even bring you to your knees. Whenever you think things can’t get any better, try to have faith and believe that it can. Whenever you need truth you can call on Jesus. He will set you free with His truth because He is the way the truth and the life. The temptation of this life and not to mention the flow of our hearts is to be negative and despair. We don’t think about how we can make things better in the midst of complaining. That should be one of our main things to ask when we are down in the dumps but normally it’s not even on our minds. The way we can make things better is by turning to Jesus.  He wants us to reframe our views from always thinking how bad things are, to thinking about how blessed we are through Him.

He says in the Bible, in this world, you will have trouble. But take heart He has overcome the world. When we get so caught up in the troubles of the world and our everyday lives we forget about how good things are in our lives.  We boil our lives down to the little things and make the little problems turn into big problems. We also get so caught up in our lives and the troubles of the world that we often forget about the big picture of what Jesus has done for us. With Jesus we not only get the truth of His love and the blessings of His love, we also get His compassion. Jesus didn’t come down just to save us. He came to share in our sufferings and to offer us the opportunity to have peace and lift up all our sorrows and burdens to Him. He will carry them if we allow Him to carry them. He willingly died on the cross and He is still willing to save us from ourselves at any time.

Jesus has the same compassion for us as He had for Mary and Martha when their brother Lazarus died in the Bible. He shared our human emotion and wept when Lazarus died. Jesus hurts for and with all of us when trials hit us. But He offers us peace and rest through ant trials. All we have to do is call on Him and ask for His help. He will give us peace through anything that we face.

It is never too late to call on His name for peace through trials. He also hurts for us and about us and longs to make us feel better. He got right in the middle of people’s struggles in the Bible and He continues to do the same thing today in our day and age. Sometimes we feel His presence the strongest in the midst of our struggles. Other times it seems as He is silent during the struggle. But just because He seems to be silent, doesn’t mean He isn’t there for all of us. If Jesus can raise people from the dead and heal illnesses, He will certainly take care of us. He wants us to see much joy and to experience the joys of life.

Jesus calls to us to go outside of our comfort zone and to come out of our self-induced pity party when life goes wrong. He wants us to stop thinking about all the reasons why it won’t work and focus on why life can be turned back on track and go well for each of us. He wants to stop telling ourselves no and start telling ourselves yes and that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. He wants us to look outside ourselves and focus on Him for a change. If we take that chance with God and let Him control our lives and our thinking He will allow better things to happen. It can help us have a much better perspective on life.

Remember He will always be there. All we have to do is call on Him. If Jesus wants to get right in the middle of our hectic lives and share in our struggles and pitfalls and emotions, shouldn’t we let Him have the opportunity to change our lives for the better? Remember as long as we hold on to Jesus, there is nothing we can’t get through. Look forward to the hope that we have with knowing Him as our savior. Look forward to that unrelenting hope that this isn’t really our home and that we are His and we have a place in Heaven waiting for us.  Jesus is the ultimate truth in life. Hold onto His promises and His truth when there seems to be no way out. He will lead you through to the other side.

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