not by works

Do you ever feel like life has given you more than you can handle? Chances are the answer is yes.  Everyone has those days and even those weeks where life just feels like it is too much to bear. Whenever you feel like that, you are not alone.

When God gives you more than you can handle it can be very difficult to trust Him nonetheless to trust in His timing. God will give you more than you can handle. That saying that God will not give you more than you can’t handle is kind if wrong. It says in the bible that God will not let you be tempted more than you can bear but will give you a way out of it, that is completely true. And the same goes for the times when you feel as though you can’t take any more in this life and when life just becomes too hard and it drives you to your knees calling out for help from others around you and for help from God. When life drives you to your knees pray. Even when it’s the last thing you want to do or when you don’t know what to say in your prayers, just pray and let God know what’s on your mind. Many times, God will give you the words to your prayers too. Just let him know how you are feeling. You’re allowed to have all the emotions that you have. Jesus had all the emotions too. God allows you to feel the way you feel so you can figure out how to deal with your emotions. You can wallow in them or you can learn from them and face things head-on.

When God gives you more than you can handle he is waiting for you to cry out to Him. He is waiting for you to say “Lord help me. I can’t deal with this without you.  I need your help. I need your peace. I give up my problems and my burdens to you. Please help me to trust you in everything that I do. Please allow me to think clearly and be able to make good decisions, no matter how I may be feeling. Give me a way to see a way out of any problems that I may have through you. Bring peace to my heart despite the pain that may be gnawing at my heart day in and day out. Replace the feelings of desperation and despair with your peace that surpasses all human understanding. ”

He is always there to give you the right tools or people in your life and especially the right mindset to get out of any situation better than the way you were before. He wants you to be successful and to have peace in your life and to serve Him with the joy that comes from knowing He is with you. When God gives you more than you think you can handle, He is waiting for you to turn back towards Him and to allow yourself to feel His presence in your life. Listen to what He is telling you through every stage in your life. Even though it may feel like He is silent at times, the teacher is always silent during a quiz or a test. Even though you may not see His answers clearly, right away, He will always answer you, even if it isn’t in the way that you expected or even wanted. God always wants what is best for you, no matter what. He cares for you enough that He will often spare you from something you think might be the absolute best thing in your life. That is how much He loves you.  No matter how bad you may want something, He could be protecting you from the very thing you want most. You may not see it right away, but He will open your eyes to the things unseen and things we are blinded to by your hardened heart.  His answers are always “yes”, “no”, or “not right now”, or “I’ve got something better planned for you, but wait for my timing.”

God doesn’t give you more than you can handle without giving you a way out of those situations. He has never ever abandoned His children and He isn’t about to start doing that now. Even though it can be extremely hard to trust in Him when things seem bleak, those are the times we need to trust in Him the most.

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