Needing God






What does your future look like? There is also the question of where do we go after we die? The answers can be very hard to accept and to hear too. The answer if you believe in God, is that you’ll go to Heaven and be with Him for all eternity. The other answer if you don’t believe in God, is that you’ll have to spend all of eternity in Hell.

When someone gets sick we often pray for them. We pray that the Lord grants them His almighty healing, mercy and grace. But if the person doesn’t believe in God then their soul is doomed for eternity, even if He eventually gives them the healing you’ve been praying for.  If they don’t believe in God, the healing that they receive might be amazing to you, but they will never be able to see it the way that you do. If you don’t try and help lead them to God, they will never know the goodness of His promise. God gives everyone their own free will, and the choice to follow Him as their Savior or not.  All you can do is tell them the goodness of God’s love and His word, not to mention the great plan He has for their life. They must be willing to accept it. If they don’t accept God’s then it’s their choice. And it’s their loss too.

It can be very hard to watch someone you love so dearly, slip away from God or completely turn their back to them saying they don’t want to get to know Him for any number of reasons. It can be extremely heart wrenching to be the person who is believer and the person who is trying to help them, and watch them slip away to ruin in this earthly life. The hardest part about it knowing that you believe in God, and that you’re saved, but your friend or family member won’t be joining you in eternity if they don’t allow God to change their heart, soul, mind or their lives. All you can do is pray for their lives to be turned around and for their eyes to be opened. You can’t make their decision for them, even though you want them to be able to spend eternity with the savior, they may not see it the same way as you do.

If you pray for someone who is sick, to be healed, and God lets it happen then it is nothing short of a miracle. But what happens if He doesn’t grant your prayers request to heal someone? If He doesn’t grant your prayers to heal someone, you can still take comfort in God’s promises that He will never abandon you or the person you love. If He doesn’t grant your prayers to heal someone, God has other plans for them in their life. Maybe their illness is supposed to happen in order to bring more people to know Christ. You may not understand how or why God allows someone to get sick, but if you find out even just one person was touched by your family member’s or your friend’s life, even through the sickness they endured wouldn’t that make you jump for joy? To know that someone learned to trust in God or now believes in God, because of your family member or your friend is a miracle as well.

What is it like for those people who don’t have the promise of eternal life in Heaven with their savior? The good news is that you don’t have to be one of those people who don’t believe in God. To have the hope of eternal life and know that you are saved and have the hope of seeing God face to face one day, is such a beautiful thing. For those people who don’t see the promise God offers through His salvation, life is often full of chaos, pain and utter turmoil. They search for and long for anything to make their lives whole again, and to get back to the happiness they may have once had. But no matter what they do, they can’t seem to find anything to fill that void or that hole. The hole could be having no friends or family members around, not having a job, not doing well in their job or not doing well in school. It could also be a strained relationship with their family member or a friend. No matter how they search for something to make them feel like their life has meaning or potential again, they can’t find it. They don’t have the peace of God within their hearts, bodies minds and souls that surpasses all human understanding. When someone talks about accepting God and turning to God and asking Him for forgiveness from their sins, they often turn their nose up to it because they are afraid of what God can do to them, and they are also afraid to trust a God that they can’t see. The Devil wants them to be afraid of God and what He might do to them. But God is here for them and wants to have a relationship with them. He can gran ahold of their hearts in ways that we can’t even fathom.

It is such a shame that so many people don’t know the Lord personally before they pass on. The peace that He brings us as believers is immense.

That is why we are called to witness to people before our time and before their time is up on this Earth. It is such an honor and privilege to be the ones who can help God change people’s lives so that we all can be with Him in paradise. We can help everyone have the chance to be with Him in paradise after our journey here on Earth is up. There truly is nothing to fear, if you know that you have a place waiting for you in Heaven. No matter how tough life gets, to know that Jesus tells us “today you will be with me in paradise” is an amazing feeling. Think about that- you don’t need to fear anything in this life because you have eternity with God waiting for you. You get to sing His praises both here and in Heaven for all eternity. You don’t have to fear death because God has already saved you. He is preparing a place for us in Heaven. Look forward to the wonders of Heaven instead of dreading death. Rejoice that you get to finally see your Savior.

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