It’s no secret that our society has a little, shall we say, hang-up on body image. While women are the primary targets, let’s not forget our testosterone-laden brethren, who are not exempt from “good-natured” ribbing from pals, or offhand comments from wives or girlfriends. While many may see this constant criticism as normal, the fact…

Negative thinking is addictive. Once you start to believe the negative things you tell yourself, it’s as if you’re caught up in a powerful whirlpool and you can’t break free. “I won’t get a better job.” “I can’t make new friends.” “I can’t learn a new skill.” “Good things never happen to me.” When you…

        Since my book came out, I have had all sorts of revelations.  I have learned that there are those who truly support my endeavors and unfortunately, those who appear to make it a point  to tarnish my characcter perhaps due to their own shortcomings.  I had some people on Facebook call me a “fraud.”  Others have gotten nasty…

A friend of mine recently moved to a new apartment. I don’t know if you’re like me, but the very thought of moving makes me start shaking. It’s the idea of packing up all my stuff that gives me so much anxiety. Over the years, we accumulate so much, and moving means we need to…

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