Movie Mom blogger Neil Minow put together a list of the top Comfort Movies–flicks that go down just right on those no-good, crummy, sniffling, sneezing days. Not a bad list, and hard to quibble with something as idiosyncratic as this. But what are your favorite movies for days like that?  My five faves, in no…

That’s the apt headline over the New York Times Magazine’s profile of Seattle pastor Mark Driscoll. Fascinating story, not least because there is so much theology in it–Molly Worthen does a commendable job of summarizing Driscoll’s neo-Calvinism and capturing how a theology so severe can appeal to so many young people.  There is also much…

More from the NY Times Most Emailed List: This week, foodie extraordinaire Mark Bittman (author of my most-used cookbook, How to Cook Everything) has been at the top of the list for several days with his post about how to stock your pantry.  I mentioned earlier this week that my love for and understanding of…

This Beliefnet discussion on the OT and suffering is, of course of course, perennial and ancient and never-ending. But anyone who reads the Bible regularly has to face this question all the time. Is the Old Testament a record of suffering and Israel’s attempts to make sense of that suffering? Is it a record of God…

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