Sweet Shore

I was trying to come up with something meaningful to write about tonight, but what’s more meaningful than this?    

 Two weeks ago my seemingly healthy brother-in-law was being  evaluated for pain in his back which he thought might be a ruptured  disc.  Instead, in a matter of days, he was being told that he has  pancreatic cancer.  He will be forever changed. Monday begins the  chemo that will hopefully shrink the tumor and prolong…

Randy Dalton was only 20 when his chopper crashed in Cambodia. In an article published by CBS St Louis, Metro-East resident John Minford observed:  “It’s one of the promises the military makes, dead or alive you will come home. And this one came home.” Minford went on to say he was proud to join the hundreds who saluted the flag-draped…

Here are some excerpts from a Letter to Dads:  Stop Letting Moms Win At Parenting posted today by Matthew Tobey, editor of  the Comedy Central Insider blog.   I thought it was worth sharing… Dear new dads, The arrival of your baby is an exciting time, but there’s an elephant in the room we need to talk…

Call me out of touch, but I’ve never listened to the music from Les Miserables–just heard snatches of the more familiar parts here and there…until yesterday. I was home alone after church and I decided to try to listen to a musical production while I did some work on my various projects.  I found the…

July 12, 2011 “The soldier in uniform extended his prosthetic hand after losing his own in battle. And the commander in chief who sent him there reached out to clasp it. It was a sobering moment toward the end of a moving ceremony at the White House Tuesday, as President Barack Obama awarded the nation’s…

Lone Marine

Two days ago,  we were stunned when the Jury in the Casey Anthony trial found her “not guilty” of killing Caylee. I heard one juror say today that saying “not guilty” is not the same as saying “innocent” and some other things about “manner of death” and “reasonable doubt.” I found the following thoughts in…

This story is a couple of years old, but my heart is always stirred when veterans from the Vietnam War are honored.  Regardless of your thoughts about the war at the time, I think most of us realize that the men and women who served there (most of them draftees) were treated shabbily.  An honor…

Nobody says it better than the muppets A Muppet Salute

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