Reformed Chicks Blabbing

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My dear friend Michele slipped into eternity on Wednesday, February 1.   She was a remarkable woman who left a legacy of faith, determination, and love. For three years she courageously battled the ovarian cancer that eventually robbed her of her life.  A few days before she died, one of her doctors told Michele that…

My husband told me that there are rumors that I’ve died. I’m happy to report that I’m still very much alive. My cancer has gone to stage four but we are controlling it with chemo, the cancer numbers are currently in the normal range. I’ve stopped blogging to concentrate on my daughters and writing a…

Several people have asked about Michele’s condition, and have promised to pray for her. On her behalf, I thank you for that. I spoke with her a little while ago, and she asked that I come here and tell you what’s going on, and to ask you to pray for her. She isn’t able to…

A man known in the cyber world as The Internet Monk, has died. Michael Spencer lost his battle with cancer tonight. My prayers go out for his family and for all those who loved and will miss him. 🙁

I’m coming out of my normal hiding place to make a few comments. The internet is a strange place. It is often a wonderful place, a helpful place, a unifying place. But it is also alienating, cold, and is the perfect medium in which to depersonalize others. Through it, I have seen people reach out…

As you probably can tell from the lack of content this week, I had a pretty rough week. I was in a lot of pain over the weekend, my stomach was swollen which made it really hard to eat, sleep, walk and breathe. They removed 3.5 liters of fluid from my abdomen this week, so…

Not surprising since Obama hasn’t done too much: “Politics is compromise,” says the actor, who campaigned hard for Barack Obama. But Damon feels his candidate has compromised too much. “I’m disappointed in the health care plan and in the troop buildup in Afghanistan. Everyone feels a little let down because, on some level, people expected…

Will Republicans and Democrats come together and work on the problems with our health care system? Jon Stewart is certainly hopeful that the summit will produce a meaningful dialog on health care that can lead to real change:But of course this is Washington where bipartisanship is doing what the party in power wants to do:…

But the Canadian crowd was cheering for the Swiss over us because they were still ticked that we beat them: And that U.S. victory over Canada has apparently tweaked many northern neighbors. The crowd at the game Wednesday was clearly rooting for the Swiss. There were many Americans in the stands, but they were outnumbered…

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