The show begins with a brief recap, with Adam starring as an elf, Lawon in the HoH bathrobe and Rachel as the clumsy, falling jogger. It’s Day 28 and Brendon says he’s going to win the Power of Veto and pull Rachel off the block. Daniele says she “Feels like Robin Hood” stealing from the…

We pick up from the previous show with the ski slaloming endurance competition. Hanging up on a wall, grasping ski-pole handholds, standing on a platform with skis jutting out, all of the House Mates except Rachel (as outgoing HoH) weather fake snowstorms and blizzards. The first five to drop will choose from a snowball. Adam…

Tonight, either Adam or Dominic will be evicted and the next Head of Household will be crowned. Julie Chen tells us “no one is safe” as we get a recap of the incessant scheming going on in the house during the past week. We’re reminded that the Golden Key players are back in the game,…

Knock, knock! Who’s there? So begins tonight’s show with Dominic knocking at the door of Queen Rachel’s HoH chambers. Rachel invites him in and lady-in-waiting Jordan exits the room. Dominic asks Rachel what she thinks about Adam and then Brandon walks in. It’s a conversation that has already been going on for days. From the…

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