Adam as the elfin Ringbearer

The show begins with a brief recap, with Adam starring as an elf, Lawon in the HoH bathrobe and Rachel as the clumsy, falling jogger. It’s Day 28 and Brendon says he’s going to win the Power of Veto and pull Rachel off the block. Daniele says she “Feels like Robin Hood” stealing from the rich veterans and giving to the poor newbies. Rachel, obviously, is not pleased. *sniffle* The vets meet up in the padded cell that passes for the Not Have room and then Shelly walks in. The consensus is that Daniele “has declared war on the House”.

The reality is that Daniele has declared war on the veteran alliance. Well, that’s diplomacy, gang. Wars exist because of opposing alliances.

Everyone but Brendon and Rachel leave the Not Have room and Brendon and Rachel discuss the future with it obvious that one of them is almost certainly going to leave the House. They snuggle up, she cries and says she wants the $500,000. Meanwhile Jeff and Jordan discuss the latest developments, aware that their veteran alliance is likely going to lose one member. Rachel and Brendon drop in during their talk and rehash the obvious.

In something of a surprise move, Daniele visits Rachel in the Have Not room to try to smooth things over. Rachel still thinks that Daniele is “coming after me and my fiance”. Privately Rachel says “because of her {Daniele’s} bad game play”, she and Brendon are going to be split up.

Daniele now calls the House to prepare for the Veto competition. Jeff is chosen as one of the random participants from the bag. Adam is the next chosen, followed by Porsche. Thus, competing are Porsche, Jeff, Rachel, Adam, Daniele and Brendon. Lawon is picked to be the host. Before the competition, there’s whispering going on. Jeff says if he wins the PoV, he won’t use it, “taking baby steps with Daniele” in an attempt to appease her. But he wants to win it so he doesn’t get backdoored.

For the Power of Veto competition, we see a hairy giant leg from a previous competition and Lawon freaks about about it. Competitors write down the time they think they need to do a task. The lowest time has to go out and prove they can do it, while the highest time gets taken out if the lowest time person can do the task. Rachel picks the fastest time to do a balance beam bubble gum task (similar to the one Dominic won, but with fewer spots). Rachel completes the task in time and Adam is out. Round 2 is a puzzle task that Rachel puts the fastest time again (only 38 seconds!). But she’s a couple of pieces short and she’s out.

Power of Veto competition Round 3 is to spell “Nominations” with the letters on the giant foot hair poles. Daniele picks the lowest time, but she can’t spell it out in timme. Brendon, Jeff and Porsche remain in competition. Jeff tries at the lowest time in a milk squeeging task and it’s really close, right up to the red line, but just one second too late! Jeff is out. Now for a putt-putt task and Brendon puts 0:33 to Porsche’s 0:35. Brendon gets a ball to drop in the hole with just 2 seconds left and wins the PoV! Rachel rushes over and jumps up on him, happy for her man!

We see Rachel and Brendon again in the Have Not room. Brandon tells Rachel he’s going to use it to save her, but he’s going to tell everyone else he’s using it to save himself. Jeff wanted to win the PoV, because he gets the feeling that Daniele will put him or Jordan up on the block after Brendon saves Rachel or himself. Daniele and Kaila think Shelly is “sketchy as hell” after she leaves the room where the three of them are talking.

Now, it’s time for America’s Vote! What do you want the Have Nots to suffer eating? 1) Coconuts and catfish, 2) Liverwurst and lima beans, or 3) Raisins and rhubarb? Man, this is so cruel, I’m not voting!

Jeff and Jordan pay Daniele a visit and it doesn’t take long for them to get into an argument with her about taking Brendon or Rachel out of the game. Daniele isn’t giving anyone options to take anyone else out, no matter who is saved, as she’ll be the one nominating the person who would replace who is saved. Brendon and Rachel pay Daniele another visit with a last attempt to get someone else voted out using Brendon’s PoV. Daniele says “I want to think about it” and indeed privately she says she is indeed thinking about who to make the replacement nominee.

Now it’s time for the Veto meeting. Brendon stands up and says he and Rachel or nominated and he has the power to save one of the nominees. Brandon says he “will use the Power of Veto on… (pause)… my fiance.” Danielle names the likable Jordan as the replacement. Regardless of what Brendon says about his flicking over a house of cards, the way things look, the house of cards will be flicking him out the door!

Will Brendon be the one voted out? Or will the House Guests suddenly take a dislike towards Jordan?

And… tomorrow, a special appearance by Evel Dick in the flesh. Stay tuned!

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