Big Brother 13 recap, Wednesday September 7. Tonight’s show is a special eviction episode. Five House Guests remain: Rachel, Jordan, Kalia, Porsche and Adam. We get a recap of Rachel assuming power as the Head of Household with Porsche and Kalia kissing her feet to avoid eviction and stay in the House after their nomination.…

Tonight ends ABC’s six-episode airing of Take the Money & Run. At stake is $100,000 that must be carefully hidden by the show’s contestants so that two local detectives cannot find it. The contestants must also undergo grueling questioning by the show’s regular interrogators, Paul Bishop and Mary Hanlon-Stone. This week takes us back to…

We’ve got an exciting Fall ahead for reality TV with a brand new show in Simon Cowell’s The X Factor (USA) and some old favorites which start new seasons, such as Survivor: South Pacific, The Amazing Race and Dancing With the Stars. Here are the Fall schedules for all of the Reality TV shows on…

Big Brother recap, Sunday September 4, 2011 Tonight’s show begins with a recap of the past week’s events leading to Porsche becoming Head of Household, Rachel winning the Power of Veto and Shelly’s eviction. Five House Guests remain: Rachel, Jordan, Kalia, Porsche and Adam. Adam thinks he has something to prove to Rachel and Jordan.…

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