Project Conversion

Looks like I caught a nasty cold over the weekend. I rarely get sick, but when I do, I look/feel like death warmed over. You know the feeling: weakness, headaches, fatigue, sore…symptoms which inhibit an otherwise busy and vibrant daily life. But thank God, I am blessed, because I happen to be in the company…

My wife should have never married me. In fact, she should have said said no when I got particularly drunk on the night of September 23, 2003 and asked her out. I tried to break up with her, but she wouldn’t listen. Heather is stubborn like that. The fact is, my marriage with Heather shouldn’t…

What is the Catholic Church? Who is a Catholic? These are important questions, ones that I must understand as fully as possible if I am to successfully practice their faith this month. The first time we hear the term “catholic” (notice the lower case) used was in A.D. 110 by St. Ignatius, the bishop of…

Good morning and welcome to my first day as a Catholic. This is also Project Conversion’s last month of the year. That statement seems impossible. Did we really make it this far? Are there really people who have followed me since this all began in January? Yes, and thank you. As with any month, the…

Jainism. Wow, what a trip huh? This has not been the most popular month, however it is one of the most controversial. Simply put, it’s hard living as an ascetic, but twice as hard doing it while part of a family. I never said it would be easy and in many ways, I knew I’d…

The Jain philosophy is not very popular, according to my stats this month. Maybe folks just aren’t interested, or I’m doing a poor job in presenting this path. Perhaps it’s both. I’ve asked myself “why” all month, why this Jain way is such a hard pill to swallow and in some ways, I just don’t…

The American Civil Rights movement during the mid 1950’s to early 70’s marked one of the most tumultuous periods of social change and unrest in American history. A wave of political and social conservatism consumed the national attention during the 1950’s after the end of World War II and now with the African-American Civil Rights…

I haven’t been a perfect Jain this month. I’ve slipped, given into temptation…I even enjoyed a little bit of grandma’s famous Thanksgiving cooking yesterday, but today, I’m proud to be a Jain and saddened by humanity. Last night, my wife and mother decided to venture out for Black Friday sales. My mom has never done…

Once upon a time, Thanksgiving was my favorite holiday. It wasn’t because of how grateful I was or that I could spend time with family. I loved Thanksgiving because it’s one of those times of year many Americans gorge themselves without remorse. And if that isn’t enough, we wake up early the next day (Black…

Yes, she can. Project Conversion relies on the kindness of strangers, people who volunteer their time and energy in teaching me the ways of their faith. These are called Mentors, however the community of believers otherwise known as the Congregation also lends their support. That said, should we limit our learning resources to only humans?…

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