I hope both Senators Obama and McCain show up for the debate at Ole Miss. Its important to see our two choices together, interacting, answering the same questions. Showcasing why they should be President is pretty much their job right now. Walking away from debating before the American people, when the choice we must make…

Jack Abramoff’s in prison…Ralph Reed is disgraced…what’s a poor Republican to do when they need access to casino money to fund their most outrageous attacks on Democratic opponents?  Answer:  Turn to Vegas Casino Billionaire Sheldon Adelson and his shadow 527 group, Freedom’s Watch.    Sheldon Adelson, who made his billions in casinos where the deck…

Should or shouldn’t Jews vote for John McCain?  What effect does his choice of Sarah Palin as running mate (apparently instead of Joe Lieberman) whose religious world view is frightening and repellent to most Jewish voters have on their decision?  This is the subject of on-line discussions that have caught fire recently.   Rabbi Brad…

That is the bracing message from Miami Archbishop John C. Favalora in a Sept. 12 column that is the best rendering I’ve yet seen of how the church–and the bishops–can approach the elections. The statement is titled “Why we don’t take sides on candidates,” and it is aimed at a conservative Christian group, the Alliance Defense…

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