Parker Griffith, the Democratic candidate for Congress in Alabama’s 5th Congressional District, while speaking to a Baptist association as a fellow believer, recently made one of the most patriotic and faith-infused statements a candidate can make:   “I think America’s greatest enemy is America and its materialism. And I think that . . . uh…

Given the divisive role religion played in the 2004 election, many progressives have been waiting for a resumption of the culture wars in this election season.  Yet despite the addition of Sarah Palin to the Republican ticket, (a Pentecostal governor who strongly opposes abortion rights), there is little evidence that the social issues which played…

Tabitha Knerr at just posted a great piece on all the many ties between Republicans and the gambling industry that are starting to pop up in races around the country.  I commented recently on the effect Sheldon Adelson–the GOP operative behind Freedom’s Watch, who made his billions owning Vegas casinos and investing in the…

Who’s afraid of Sarah Palin? And her faith? I’m one of those who thinks all the hand-wringing about her supposedly ideological right-wing faith is way overblown. Could she be a right-wing religious ideologue if in office? Perhaps she’d follow the script if that’s what she was told to do. But what really emerges from a review of her statements…

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