Brandeis scholar Melvin I. Urofsky compares the financial crisis of a century ago to the one today in an op-ed in the New York Times.  Prof. Urofsky’s reflection on Louis D. Brandeis’ seminal book “Other People’s Money” reminds us to be wary of the danger inherent in greedy banks playing around with other people’s cash –…

Just over three months ago the American people elected Barack Obama as our president because we believed he was uniquely equipped with the vision to lead in this time of economic and global crisis.  America –  let Obama lead.  Our government can and will do good things for the American people if we support the stimulus package presented…

One of the most intriguing aspects of the current debate on the economic recovery act is the strange way the terms “postpartisan” and “bipartisan” are being thrown around by both politicians and the media. President Obama campaigned as a postpartisan candidate.  Postpartisan means that politics must move beyond the current party structure.  A postpartisan vision recognizes that…

Cross Posted at   Pungent piles of Republican nay-saying to the American jobs and stimulus package are getting so deep in Washington that shovel-ready jobs are needed to shovel it all to the dump. Could this be the Republican job creation package?   The rigid ideological orthodoxy leading Republicans to oppose the jobs bill ignores the pain of…

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