My post God Damn Wall Street stirred up quite a response.  One reader named T wrote: “It’s those on Wall Street who are saying “God damn to everyone else, I’m making sure I’m taken care of because it’s going to get worse before it gets better.” Don’t underestimate Wall Street. They’re not clueless; they know…

Marian Wright Edelman is the Founder and President of the Children’s Defense Fund. The following is an excerpt from Ms. Edelman’s book: The Sea is So Wide and My Boat is So Small.  This is a long post for Progressive Revival but on this day I encourage readers to take the time to read it. Printed with permission.…

On Wednesday Jan. 1st the Tikkun Community and the Network of Spiritual Progressives purchased an full page Ad in The New York Times (it appears on page A17 of Wednesday’s issue).  It was signed by about 3000 people and funded almost entirely by small donations from about 1200 people.  We purchased this Ad to give…

Republicans have a problem… they don’t know who they are. Devastated The 2006 and 2008 election cycles were devastating for the GOP. They went from the Roveian-based belief that they had basically won the political war and Democrats would be no more to more of a “what the hell happened?” In Washington today, Republicans basically…

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